Steven Odzer
Masks Matter: Why CEO Steven Odzer Is Spearheading Efforts To Get Masks To Those In Need

Masks Matter: Why CEO Steven Odzer Is Spearheading Efforts To Get Masks To Those In Need

Steven Odzer Is Fighting COVID-19 By Getting Masks To People In Need


There’s no doubt about it: masks work to stop the spread of COVID-19. However, not everyone has easy access to masks, especially people with lower incomes. CEO and philanthropist Steven Odzer is stepping up to lead efforts to distribute masks to people in need, allowing people of all socio-economic statuses to protect themselves and their loved ones from the coronavirus.


While the reports on how to best stay safe from COVID-19 have changed drastically over the past few months, research has shown that masks do, in fact, work. According to experts at the Mayo Clinic, “Face masks combined with other preventive measures, such as frequent hand-washing and social distancing, help slow the spread of the virus.” Steven Odzer is doing his part to get masks to people who may not have access to them otherwise.


At the start of the pandemic, experts gave different recommendations on masks. They weren’t sure how the virus was transmitted at first. Now, research shows that asymptomatic people can spread the disease too. The virus is often spread before a person knows that they have symptoms. This means that wearing a mask any time a person encounters others in public is key in stopping the virus’s spread. Since masks have been approved as an effective measure against the virus, Steven Odzer has decided to concentrate his efforts in this area. 


There’s been much debate over what type of masks work best to stop the spread of the virus, and science has shown that any mask is better than no mask at all. While an N95 mask provides the highest level of protection against the virus, these are in incredibly short supply and should be reserved for healthcare workers and those who have weakened immune systems or are especially susceptible to severe cases of COVID-19.


In addition to wearing a mask, Steven Odzer recommends that citizens work together to slow the virus, such as frequent hand washing and social distancing. While the pandemic has caused vast difficulties worldwide, Steven Odzer states that Americans know how to work together in times of crisis, and there’s no doubt that we will come out on the other side of the COVID crisis.


Steven Odzer’s efforts to get masks to people in need isn’t his first foray into helping out the United States during the pandemic. Steven Odzer has donated over $100,000 in COVID-19 supplies to New York City hospitals, providing healthcare workers with personal protective equipment and other materials that they desperately need.

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